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Our Services

Below is a list of services we provide. If you dont see what you are looking for please call us @ 289-556-8332 or email

*Please note all prices are subject to change and,if you are outside local area.

Pool & Hot tub Labour rate

Service call (First hour)   $139.00 

Additional 1/2 Hr.             $ 69.00

(all prices are for local area only)

Hot tub Tune up $249.00

Drain hot tub with pipe cleaner, clean filter, rinse hot tub, shop vac remaining water, fill hot tub, Balance water clean cover.

Pool & hot tub opening/closing 

Pool Opening from$349 + hst+ chemicals.

Pool Closing from $349 + hst+ chemicals.

Hot tub Opening $249.00

Hot tub Closing $179.95

Weekly Maintenance program

Pools from $79.00 + chemical + hst

Hot tubs from $59.00 + chemical + hst

(weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly)

*Special pricing on pool opening/closings when you sign up.

Pool sand change $299.00

Removal of old sand and inspection of filter. Install of new sand. (disposal of old sand + $75.00)

Salt cell and filter cleaning

Salt cell cleaning $79.00

Cartridge filter cleaning $99.00

* free with all Pool closings.

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